Over 479 years in the history
vaismaa family

Over 479 years in the history - AND, we are proud of every minute of it!

Stories about the Vaismaa family

The Vaismaa family has spread out to many fields of life and geographically to various continents. There are sufficiently many interesting stories to tell the family members and even other people. The Family Society collects stories about the original members, Susanna and Israel Vaismaa’s children as well as about younger family members.

Stories are published on this website. The Family Society hopes that stories could be published also in connection with family reunions and while updating the family book , among other things.. These stories can give ideas to persons who plan the program of the family reunion.

Tell the story

Send the story texts to the e-mail address vaismaa(at)vaismaansuku.fi

Pictures Pictures can belong to the texts or tell stories themselves. Please, send pictures as attached to your e-mail to the address vaismaa(at)vaismaansuku.fi or as printed versions to the address: Marko Penttala, Yrttitie 11, 48800 KOTKA

Remember to add your own contact information and the family branch that you represent and whose phases you tell about. The family branch is determined by the elders of the family branches.


Erilainen joulu
Rakkauden joulu
Muistelmia Matti-paapasta
Suvun kovat koettelemukset 300 vuotta stten
W.J.Penttalan Pohjankyrö -runo
Sävelletty Pohjankyrö-runo (pdf)