The Family Reunion 2013
The second official family meeting of the Vaismaa Family Society will be arranged on Saturday the 3rd of August 2013 at 1.30 pm at Taulaniemi resort, which is situated in Tampere Teisko Kämmenniemi. The address is Taulaniementie 357.
The meeting deals with statutory matters of an annual meeting, the most important of which are the annual report and the closing of the accounts of the year 2012, the election of the board members for the years 2013-2018, the membership fee for the years 2014-2018 plus the plan of action and the budget for the years 2013-2018. There is a good opportunity for the members to discuss in what direction they want to develop the action of the Family Society.
The board of the Family Society
The program
12:00 Registration and lunch
13:30 The official family meeting
13:30 Children´s program (30 min.), Piijo Holmas
14:30 Coffee break
15:30 Afternoon concert, Tapio Waismaa & horn-violin-quartet
15:30 Children’s program (30 min.), Piijo Holmas
16:30 The family is the best- gala
¤ The speaker : Stand Up- comic Mikko Vaismaa
¤ The main presentation : Scriptwriter-pioneer Serp*: her films about the Suominen family , Researcher Riikka Pennanen from the National Audiovisual Archives, parts of the films
¤ Music: Petri Ritari and Mariia Vaismaa-Ritari
¤ Musical contest, Eino Matsi
¤ Singing together
18:30 Evening meal
19:00 Night show: Olli Suominen’s adventure, manuscript by Serp
* Serp is the most famous pseudonym of Seere Salminen ( née Sario). She, our many-talented family member was a scriptwriter of films, a feuilletonist. and the editor of Reader’s Digest. She even translated books from English to Finnish and wrote a traveller’s guide to Finns in 1900. The manuscripts of “The Suominen family”-films she wrote under the pseudonym Tuttu Paristo.
You have to register for the family reunion before the 28th of June. You can do it through on the web site. The link is below:
Participation fee
Adults (older than 16 y) 45 € = 58 $= 38,50 £
Children and youngsters (7-15 y) 10 €= 13 $= 8,50 £
Little children (under 7 y) 0 euros
You have to pay the participation fee with your registration on the account
Nordea FI30 1146 3500 6975 67
(With the participation fees we pay the costs of lunch, coffee, rent, program and arrangements. The Family Society pays a part of the expenses with the membership fees.)
The evening meal can be bought separately at Taulaniemi. Its price is 7 euros (children under 7 years 0 €).
Driving guide to Taulaniemi
From Tampere drive the road n:o 9 to Jyväskylä direction. After 12 km you can follow the signs to Teisko. Drive Kaitavedentie n:o 338 about 15 km, then turn left to Taulaniementie. Drive that road about 3 km, in front there is a pink main building, which has the reception.
You have to reserve a cottage in Taulaniemi yourself. The web site is You can also stay overnight at a hotel in Tampere or its surroundings.
Family products
During the family reunion you have a possibility to buy various products connected to the Vaismaa Family. ¤ The family book tells about the phases and the members of the family. Its name is Vaismaan sukua and it was published in summer 2008. You can buy it cheap at the price of 20 € (the normal price is 30€)
¤ The handy bags are made of cloth, decorated with the family logo and easy to carry with. The price is about 5 €.
¤ Book marks will also be made with the family logo. You can buy them in the family reunion at the price of one euro each.
Welcome to the family reunion and the family society meeting !!
The board of the Vaismaa Family Society