The Family Reunion 2008
Next reunion, which is the second in order, will be arranged on August 3rd in 2013. The place is in Tampere Teisko, a resort called Taulaniemi. You can get acquainted with the place through internet
The first family reunion was organised in August 2008 in Isokyrö, which is the birthplace of Susanna and Israel Vaismaa and their children. 150 family members gathered together close to the Vaismaa family’s original house.
Leena Vaismaan ja Lilja Behrin riemukas jälleennäkeminen sukukokouksen aikoihin
The idea of a family reunion and at the same time of establishing a family society sprang up in Minnesota, USA in late fall 2005. It was an incredible coincidence! Lilja Behr, who lives in the States and is a daughter of Kaarlo Vaismaa’s daughter Helmi, was contacted by an exchange student organisation. There was a Finnish girl, who needed a host family. Lilja was surprised to hear that the girl’s family name was Vaismaa, the same as Lilja’s mother’s maiden name. Then everything happened quickly. The girl, Leena Vaismaa, who is a daughter of Jaakko Vaismaa’s son Esko Vaismaa, could stay at Lilja’s home for a school term.
During the school term they got an idea of a family reunion.. After returning to Finland Leena seized on the idea and persuaded her nearest family to handle the matter. As early as 2007 the Family Society was established, they called together the first family reunion and furthermore, collected a wide data and published the family book The Vaismaa Family I, Descendants of Susanna and Israel Vaismaa.
Ensimmäisen sukukokouksen osanottajia aurinkoisessa Isossakyrössä